Monday, June 10, 2024

What are the top 10 ways to live a healthy life?

  1. watch your nutrition. You really are what you eat, and based on what I have experienced and read, carbohydrates are the thing that’s causing us more trouble than we can imagine.
  2. water fast regularly (zero foods), so that you enter a state of autophagy and ketosis. I have conducted regular water fasts of three to seven, sometimes 14 days for thirty years now, and it really is like a reset button. You’ll want to read up on this in great earnest if you are going to do it, because it’s not without risks for some.
  3. reduce stress. It’s incredibly destructive.
  4. avoid toxic people. Realize there are seven billion people on this planet. You can afford to dump a few.
  5. ignore anything that can make you addicted. It will eat you.
  6. sleep well. This is an art, so you have plenty to read up on (keyword “sleep hygiene”).
  7. say no. The majority of trouble we experience is due to freeloading by others. And they’ll be much more mad at you for failing at what they want you to do than for you saying no.
  8. cultivate friendships. They keep coming to the conclusion in Blue Zone research that people with friends stay healthier longer.
  9. go easy on exercise. By all means, do it, but keep in mind that there are plenty of people in history who never exercised and lived to a high age, while some of the fittest athletes died young.
  10. have fun. As anyone experienced in treating depression can tell you, happy hormones need to be worked up, so you do require laughs, regularly. I am convinced funny cat videos save millions of lives every year.

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